Monday, August 15, 2005

Boot Initiation in the Snow

Another weekend and more pictures! Gail, Rich, and I managed to rouse ourselves for an early trek up Mt Wellington's pinnacle track.

Rich left quite an impression on this snow...

Cool looking mountain berries.



Gail & Rich take a break before the final push up the Zig Zag track.


An artistic shot of Gail on the mountainside.

The Gazelle enjoys the awesome Mt Wellington views.


Ahhh... Finally the mist clears to reveal the city.

And we made it! Now we need to find some good slopes for tobogganing.


Blogger Phil Webb said...

Great Pics.... Pitty you can't put video on here. I know just the one you could use....

Air Captain Stevens.... in flight...

5:03 PM  
Blogger The Gazelle said...

I'm working on this. That video definitely needs some air time. Maybe i can find a work around for video? I've got plenty of time what with being at home sick! I blame it on Will Anderson (Smith) for wrecking my throat with all that laughing.

6:35 PM  
Blogger Phil Webb said...

I might have a way that we can do it... I might try it with a small clip on my blog...
Yes he has a lot to answer for....

7:46 PM  
Blogger gailo said...

dammit i thought i'd beat you into work this morning... it doesn't count if you don't turn up at all (lazy).

time to blog - time to work!

8:19 PM  
Blogger The Gazelle said...

Where's the sympathy... Here I am suffering at home, and i get called lazy for not going to work :-O I'd swap places anytime...

Don't worry G, one day you'll beat me in to work legitimately.

11:37 PM  

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