Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Sensational Seventies

A weekend trip to Launceston kept me busy with monkeys, shopping, and groovy seventies parties (and lots of photo taking).


The costumes start coming together

Ready for the party...

Flower power!

Birthday boy

Too close! Zoom out to see the orange top and cords.

The chicks still love the aging 70's swinger

Is this an illusion, go Rich!

What a chick magnet

Hey Bec...

go off!!!

Some noice looking birds can be seen at the Gorge

There's that camera again...



Thursday, August 25, 2005

Weekly update...

Another week passes by... Here are some photos of the weekly events including, stubbie club drinks, singing, and the groovey looking owl.

Do these guys (not Rowan) remind you of Jay and Silent Bob?




Wake up Jimbo!!!




Groovey man

Monday, August 15, 2005

Boot Initiation in the Snow

Another weekend and more pictures! Gail, Rich, and I managed to rouse ourselves for an early trek up Mt Wellington's pinnacle track.

Rich left quite an impression on this snow...

Cool looking mountain berries.



Gail & Rich take a break before the final push up the Zig Zag track.


An artistic shot of Gail on the mountainside.

The Gazelle enjoys the awesome Mt Wellington views.


Ahhh... Finally the mist clears to reveal the city.

And we made it! Now we need to find some good slopes for tobogganing.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Hobart Snow

It's that time of year again, and here comes the snow. This decent fall of snow allowed a welcome couple of extra hours of sleep. Here are a handful of the photos that I took while waiting for it to melt...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Friday & the Blue Pig

Another busy start to the weekend, cheers Youdie for an excellent party. These pictures tell us that the blue pig has a lot to answer for, plenty of licking action. Vody Redbull again made an appearance and caused trouble, but overall a good night was had by everyone - even if it did result in sore heads on Saturday ;-)

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Due to the lack of blogging lately i feel it neccessary to insert more useless data on the Internet. I had a relatively good day until some total cow (stupid health client) made my day seem like crap. Needless to say the helpdesk budgy was inflicted with the obligatory violent puishment (sorry Bexta). Bring on Friday and drinks, the sooner / more the better. I have run out of things to say so here is a picture that i would like to dedicate to that annoying woman earlier in the day...