Monday, October 17, 2005

The Common Cold

Well if you've been in contact with anyone in Hobart over the past couple of months, chances are that you've come down with a cold. Why is it that they can cure any old life threatening disease, yet when it comes to the cold / flu (whatever you want to call it), they can't do a bloody thing!!!

I mean are we really going to wiped out by the chickens? No, they'll cure the Bird Flu no worries. Its safe to say that the drug companies have quite a say in all this, and curing the cold would just destroy the profits created from items such vitamins, echinacea, and new fangled drugs like coenzyme q10 (at $35 a bottle!). Lets face it the common cold is here to stay, and boy does it suck!

If I ever meet someone that works for one of these pharmaceutical companies I'm going to kick them in the nuts! *sniff* *sniff* *cough* *sneeze*

Death to this guy below....


Blogger Yoda said...

Yeah, I got one in Prague... luckily that's all I got in Prague. I hear there are much worse things out there that you can catch in these Eastern European countries!!


2:55 PM  

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